Saturday, January 29, 2011

When Things Are Confusing or Hurting

Needless to say, it's obvious that we've all had struggles in our lifetime. In fact, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say we are probably dealing with various ordeals at this very moment (I, for one, can admit to it). Maybe your significant other ended a relationship with you or maybe there's sadness in feeling rejected by one you may be attracted to. Maybe you're struggling with depression. Confusion and chaos attempt to permeate every aspect of these problems in an attempt to transform this into suffering.

The good thing to know, however, is we don't have to let that happen. Emotion, so I'm learning, is an aspect of life God gave us. But we have to "channel" these emotions properly. When we're sad, we cry out to God and wrap ourselves deeply in His arms, for example. We don't have to mull over what's happening when we can trust God to take care of it

These may not be worth much, but in times of trouble or sadness I have a few particular songs I listen to. These include Selah's version of "Bless the Broken Road" and John Waller's "While I'm Waiting." Though they could apply to relationships, which do tend to cause anxiety and strife, Waller's song can be a particularly powerful message for other matters as well.

Exhortations don't mean much from such a fallen text (authored by a fallen person), but it sincerely my prayer that whatever struggles you are enduring will not last forever. I have to constantly remind myself of this everyday; don't forget what God has planned for you in the spectrum of eternity.

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