Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A First Post

Well, what is there to really say in a first post? Just jump right into a thought? Give an intro? Well, I think this will not be anything particularly special. Perhaps I'll spend a moment to elaborate on a few thoughts, namely my intent in creating this blog and the blog's (current, perhaps changing?) title.

First, this blog was created primarily for my theology class. Over the course of the semester my class will be assigned blogging about particular subjects for the class. It's to be an outlet for explaining our stance on issues through a channel that we will probably feel comfortable doing. In the past I've attempted to blog but without much success (or people who cared to follow it) but perhaps this time will be different.

Secondly, the title of this blog. Considering my name, I considered "Thoughts for a Bumpy Ride" to be amusing, if corny. But I think there can be a nice imagery about it; life is hardly "smooth sailing." In fact, it's filled with twists and turns and lots of unexpected bumps (or in my case, plenty which surround me on a regular basis!). Therefore, I thought it would be amusing for this particular bump to find a way to observe and openly reflect on various experiences and lessons.

Regardless of the overall outcome of this blog, whether it only run the race to the end of my theology class or continues to be something I employ using, I hope what I say can help others think, reflect, determine their own opinions, and most importantly: grow and mature, as a person and, even more critically, in God.

To His glory,
A Lowly Bump.

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